• San Diego Fresh 48 Sessions
    Fresh 48

    Fresh 48 Session – Reese

    I miss my Fresh 48 Sessions and I can’t wait to be able to go to hospitals again and document a baby’s first 48 hours outside the womb, like these photos of baby Reese. What a special moment and bonding experience…I used to post only Black and White photos, but now I share both BW and color – the clients always got both, but I only used to share the BW versions. Here you see the whole thing. For more samples, please visit: www.instagram.com/SanDiegoFresh48

  • San Diego Fresh 48
    Fresh 48

    Santiago’s Fresh 48 Session

    For the time being all of my Fresh 48 Sessions have been suspended… I really miss going to the hospital to meet these brand new babies and witness the environment of pure love and awe at a new life. I wonder when these sessions will be able to resume because these photos are so precious to their families.Here is Santiago and his beautiful mamma enjoying their first few hours bonding outside the womb and before going home.
